Saturday, September 1, 2012

Maileen's Journey - August 31

 Sometimes life has a way of slamming things right into perspective.

My heart aches for my family right now, and the words are hard to find.
While I have a hard time dealing with my cousin's path, Maileen stands strong in her faith relying on our God - just like she always does.  Open to what lessons He wants to teach us, I listen as she
reminds me that He knows all.  Leaning on His strength, she'll continue to battle - and we'll all continue to pray.

Would you please pray with us?

On Friday we went in for a CT head scan. I have had aches in my head for the last 10 days. The 'wet read' (quick read of the CT scan) was that I have what looks like a 24.5mm oval tumor in the lower left part of my brain. It is probably cells from my original cancer. I will have an MRI, scheduled on Tuesday in the morning, and will be hearing results that afternoon. Praying that there is only the one tumor and that it is isolated so they can do a one time Gamma knife surgery.

Good-news...God has allowed the rest of my body to be nearly clear...just that one 5mm spot on my liver from the result on the CTscan back in June 2012 compared to
an infestation of tumors back in March 2011.

New-News that we pray will get better...Pray no other mini tumors in my brain cavity and 
just the one oval can be Gamma knifed (a one-time procedure)....
Thanks for your prayers.

Back to Maileen's Journey

1 comment:

Grace said...

Thanks so much, Kelly - love you, too!