Maileen's Journey

January 2010

Since the mid-90’s Peter and Maileen have had the privilege of being a part of God’s strategy in Honduras. Primarily, they are investing their lives in the youth of Siguatepeque by developing disciples of Christ. On occasion they are given opportunities outside of their community to share ideas about youth ministry and youth leadership development.
When they have the discipline to rest, they enjoy imitating our maker by creating beauty. Peter loves the garden, and Maileen enjoys all kinds of artistic expression. They are blessed with a six-year old named Marissa and a nine-month old named Jay.

April 2

August 8

November 2-3
September 25
August 31
March 19
February 28
January 5

October 12
October 7

September 29

September 25

August 17
August 3
July 28
July 9
July 7

July 4
July 2

June 30
June 20
June 15
June 14
June 13

June 8

June 6

June 3

May 30
May 20

May 18
May 17
May 11
May 9
May 2
April 27
April 26

April 22
April 21

April 18

April 17

April 14

April 8

April 8

April 7
April 6
April 5

April 3

Notes of Encouragement

April 1
March 31
March 31
March 30
March 29
March 28
March 28
January 2009