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May 2013 |
So a friend and I were having a conversation on Facebook. You will probably have one of these one day - that along with a whole array of social media at your fingertips. That makes my head spin slightly, but we'll come to that road when we get to it.
You need to know how I feel about you - all the time, but that might get lost in the hustle and bustle of our everyday. I hope that you do know how I feel, though - how much your dad and I love you - more importantly, how much God loves you.
That is what is so amazing about the Gospel. Amazing! That is what I want my focus to be - that is what I want our girls to learn from us. It seems more often than not, that the church places a huge amount of emphasis on purity in the sexual area. I want the girls to know that God calls us to be pure in all aspects of our lives - physically, mentally, spiritually. Those who know me know how much I enjoy my husband. I want our girls to recognize that. I don't want them to idolize sex (our culture does a great job of that on its own). At the same time, I don't want them to be terrified of it. I want them to love their husband(s) as much if not more than their mom loves their dad (and vice versa). As a mother of these sweet, precious girls - I'm fighting fiercely for their self-confidence & their self-esteem. I want them to celebrate how God made them inside and out - how amazing and wonderful that there is no one else that is like them. There never has been, and there never will be. They don't have to measure up to that which our culture demands. God thinks they're fantastic just the way they are. I want them to know that nothing they ever do (or don't do) will change how much their God loves them - the same goes with me and their dad. We will fail them in that area because we are imperfect, but God never will. I want them to embrace that their self-worth is not wrapped up in a list of dos and don'ts. As a lover of lists myself, I can so easily get caught up in what I'm "supposed" to be doing and not doing. However, I want our focus to be the amazing love of Jesus Christ and showing that love to others. (...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’... -Matthew 22:37-39)
I love you so very much - really, it's a ridiculous amount. You might not think that when I'm mad or upset or when I start cleaning like crazy because the house is a mess, but I do.
I will love you forever - no matter what.
love love love, as usual!!
Thanks, Linds - I just can't get over how much these girls fill me up. It's craziness.
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