Thursday, December 1, 2011

'Tis the Season

Our family is super excited about Christmas!
I wouldn't consider myself a winter girl, but there's something about the fireplace going and
a mug of hot chocolate that makes life warm and cozy.  Bill and the girls seem especially cuddly during this time of year.

We're praying that we'll be able to focus on the awesomeness of Jesus' birth
and the gift He is to us while enjoying our family traditions - both new and old.

The girls are enjoying this little advent calendar I found on one of the bazillion blogs I follow:
Make and Takes
I printed them out last night, and my honey helped cut them out.  We hung one by each of the girls'
beds and decorated them with gift bows - so easy even a non-crafter like me can do it!

Before the girls went to bed, we read Luke 2:1-20 together.  Well, Gianna was still recovering from a disobedient episode so it was just me, Espy and Isabella - but no worries, she'll be able to catch it the next time.

24 days 'til Christmas!

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