Friday, February 17, 2012

Love Day Revisited

I hung this adorable printable in our kitchen to set the mood.
I'll change it out as the months pass.  I'm a huge fan of easy wall art as of late.
Landee See, Landee Do
I made this for the girls at the beginning of the month: 14 Acts of Love from Make and Takes.
Hopefully next year, we'll remember to do one every day.
One of Bill's love languages is definitely receiving gifts.  I found this fantastic idea from Thirty
Handmade Days.  I love that he got to get a little something special throughout the day.

 Here are our valentines once we got everything put together.
Bill always treats his girls right no matter what the occasion.  We don't go crazy (well, sometimes he does) for Valentine's Day because we have a TON of family birthdays in February - but he always makes it known that we are special to him in our own unique ways.  Each of us had Love Day goodies waiting when we woke up Tuesday morning.  Isabella kept saying,
It's so beautiful!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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