Monday, May 23, 2011

Maileen's Journey - May 20

Mother's Day 2011
Praising God, so chemo went well...the surgery spot was sore where they had to insert the IV and drip my drugs through. Went in at 9am and was able to leave at about 1pm. So far I have been feeling well, (I know it's because of prayer. Thanks so much.

Went by after my treatment, bought some brazilian nuts, hazel nuts, Florida grapefruit juice. Had salmon, garlic, asparagus and shitake mushrooms for lunch, and guanabana juice from Honduras. At about 3:45pm I went out for a brisk walk, to get my daily 30 minute-vitamin D and oxygen-intake needed to kill this cancer. My parents came along for part of my walk and run. Had to hold the port some but after lots of grape juice and green tea/lemon grass tea/gaviola leaves tea mix drink...I have been praising God it has been a good day...Prayer with my heavenly family does make a difference and some new diet choices...:D) Chemo#2 is next Thursday...and my wig should be ready by then for my fitting...;D)

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