Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Go-den Egg

Easter 2011
Jesus is alive...
so let's party all weekend long!
First, let's have all our family over and eat lots of food like:

macaroni salad
cauliflower salad
mashed potatoes
grape salad
deviled eggs
fried chicken
artichoke dip
sweet potato casserole
triple chocolate bundt cake
twinkie cake
strawberry pretzel salad

Then, let's invite one of our cousins to spend the night.

Next, we should go to our friend's birthday party at the GermFest,
I mean the Bounce House.
Don't worry, I have plenty of hanitizer (as Gianna calls it) to share.

Let's dye eggs -
lots and lots of eggs!
Isabella, no dumping of the dye
or cracking of the eggs - please?
Thank you.

Easter Morning
so thankful for His love
why do we torture ourselves with crunchy dresses
and family photo shoots?

Dean and Don's is awesome for hosting our annual church egg hunt.
Eggs filled with goodies
fresh produce for sale - what more could one ask for?

Isabella found the go-den egg!
She won a $5 Dunkin Donuts gift card.
Isa was confused.
Espy and Gianna were jealous.

Let's eat more food
and have another egg hunt -
in our backyard.
Seriously - I filled all those eggs,
and you little people found them in less than five minutes?
Next year, I need to fill way more eggs.

What a great day -
It's not over yet?
Daddy's off today, too?

Let's go to the park and run
and play
and run.
minus the crunchy dresses - still loving Jesus
Then, let's go home and play and play
and play
in the backyard.
We love getting shot with a water-filled fire extinguisher, Daddy!

We get to eat dinner in the living room?
This is the best.

We got Tangled?
This is the best.

loved celebrating the greatest Gift with my awesome family
trying to remember to cherish the chaos before they grow up and leave me forever
thankful for all my undeserved blessings

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